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libROM is a free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for data-driven physical simulation methods. It is the main tool box that the reduced order modeling team at LLNL uses to develop efficient model order reduction techniques and physics-constrained data-driven methods. We try to collect any useful reduced order model routines, which are separable to the high-fidelity physics solvers, into libROM. Plus, libROM is open source, so anyone is welcome to suggest new ideas or contribute to the development. Let's work together for better data-driven technology!


Many more features will be available soon. Stay tuned!

libROM is used in many projects, including BLAST, ARDRA, Laghos, SU2, ALE3D and HyPar. Many MFEM-based ROM examples can be found in Examples.

See also our Gallery, Publications and News pages.

Recent News

Date Message
Sep 1, 2024 tLaSDI paper is published in CMAME
Aug 1, 2024 S-OPT paper is published in SISC
July 13, 2024 Data-scarce paper is published in Shock Waves
July 8, 2024 Progressive paper is published in Scientific Reports
May 17, 2024 DD-NM-ROM open source code is available in gitHub
May 15, 2024 DDFEM paper is published in CMAME
Apr 29, 2024 wLaSDI paper is published in CMAME
Apr 10, 2024 Gappy AE paper is published in CMAME
Mar 25, 2024 DD-NM-ROM paper is published in CMAME
Mar 16, 2024 LaSDI book chapter arXiv paper is available

libROM tutorials in YouTube

Date Title
July 22, 2021 Poisson equation & its finite element discretization
Sep. 1, 2021 Poisson equation & its reduced order model
Sep. 23, 2021 Physics-informed sampling procedure for reduced order models
Sep. 11, 2022 Local reduced order models and interpolation-based parameterization
Sep. 23, 2022 Projection-based reduced order model for nonlinear system
Aug. 23, 2023 Complete derivation of dynamic mode decomposition

Latest Release

ExamplesCode documentationlibROM SourcespylibROM SourcesLaghosROM SourcesScaleupROMLaSDI SourcesgLaSDI SourcesGPLaSDI SourcesDD-NM-ROM SourcesNM-ROM SourcesWLaSDItLaSDIgappyAE


Building libROMPoisson equationGreedy for Poisson

New users should start by examining the example codes and tutorials.

We also recommend using GLVis or VisIt for visualization.


Use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs or post questions or comments. See the About page for citation information.