Building libROM

A simple tutorial on how to build and run libROM. For more details, see the README file.

Clone libROM

General Installation

To compile libROM with default build settings (Mac and LLNL LC Machines):


To compile libROM for Ardra (LLNL LC Machines only):


To compile libROM using a different toolchain within cmake/toolchains (Mac and LLNL LC Machines):

./scripts/ toolchain.cmake

Compilation options:

Using Docker container

Probably the most reliable way is to use docker container. You can find the instruction on how to use docker container to install libROM in your machine is described at Using Docker container wiki page.

Compiling on LC Machines

libROM provides several CMake toolchains which can be used to compile on LLNL LC machines. For more information on installing and using libROM on specific LC machines, refer to the libROM wiki page.


In addition to the build system described above, libROM packages are also available in Spack: