All News Updates

News in 2024

Date Message
Sep 1, 2024 tLaSDI paper is published in CMAME
Aug 1, 2024 S-OPT paper is published in SISC
July 13, 2024 Data-scarce paper is published in Shock Waves
July 8, 2024 Progressive paper is published in Scientific Reports
May 17, 2024 DD-NM-ROM open source code is available in gitHub
May 15, 2024 DDFEM paper is published in CMAME
Apr 29, 2024 wLaSDI paper is published in CMAME
Apr 10, 2024 Gappy AE paper is published in CMAME
Mar 25, 2024 DD-NM-ROM paper is published in CMAME
Mar 22, 2024 tLaSDI arXiv paper is available
Mar 16, 2024 LaSDI book chapter arXiv paper is available
Jan 1, 2024 GPLaSDI paper is published in CMAME

News in 2023

Date Message
Dec 15, 2023 Alejandro Diaz presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster; Video
Dec 15, 2023 Aaron Brown presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster; Video
Dec 15, 2023 Christophe Bonneville presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster
Dec 15, 2023 Seung Whan Chung presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster
Dec 15, 2023 Tianshu Wen presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster; Video
Dec 15, 2023 Ping-Hsuan Tsai presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster; Video
Dec 15, 2023 Seung Won Suh presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023. Paper; Poster; Video
Dec 13, 2023 Gappy auto-encoder arXiv paper is available
Dec 6, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave a talk at CHaRMNET annual meeting
Nov 20, 2023 WLaSDI arXiv paper is available
Nov 20, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave a keynote talk at Second Workshop on Physics Enhancing Machine Learning in Applied Mechanics
Nov 16, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave an invited talk at Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics Fall 2023 meeting, Note Youngsoo's talk starts at 2:50:00
Nov 7, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave FEM@LLNL Seminar Talk
Oct 6, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave CRLC Seminar Talk
Oct 4, 2023 ProgressiveROM arXiv paper is available
Sep 18, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar talk
Sep 13, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave Numerial Analysis Seminar talk at the University of Hong Kong
Aug 26, 2023 Siu Wun Cheung presented at ICIAM2023
Aug 26, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at ICIAM2023
Aug 15, 2023 Youngsoo Choi gave DarkStar seminar talk
Aug 11, 2023 Energy-Conservation-ROM technical report is available
Aug 10, 2023 GPLaSDI arXiv paper is available
Aug 8, 2023 pylibROM open source code is available in gitHub
Jul 30, 2023 GPLaSDI open source code is available in gitHub
Jul 26, 2023 Siu Wun Cheung presented at USNCCM17
Jul 25, 2023 Saad Khairallah presented at USNCCM17
Jul 25, 2023 Eric Chin presented at USNCCM17
Jul 25, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at USNCCM17
Jul 24, 2023 Dylan Copeland presented at USNCCM17
Jun 22, 2023 Uncertainty-aware Barlow twins ROM paper is published in IEEE Access
Jun 21, 2023 gLaSDI paper is published in JCP
Jun 3, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at SIAM OP23
Jun 2, 2023 Time Windowing DMD preprint is available in arXiv
May 24, 2023 DD-NMROM preprint is available in arXiv
Apr 7, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at TAMIDS DTL/SciML Lab Seminar
Mar 29, 2023 AAAI Spring Symposium was organized
Mar 10, 2023 gLaSDI open source code is available in gitHub.
Mar 10, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at Applied Math Seminar, at UC Santa Barbara
Mar 6, 2023 LaSDI open source code is available in gitHub.
Feb 15, 2023 parametric DMD paper is published in JCP.
Feb 3, 2023 Youngsoo Choi presented at CRLC Seminar, at UC San Diego
Jan 1, 2023 Rayleigh-Taylor instability ROM paper is published in JCP.

News in 2022

Date Message
Dec 3, 2022 Certified auto-encoder simulator paper for Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop, NeurIPS, 2022, is available.
Nov 30, 2022 Barlow twins ROM paper is published in Nature Scientific Reports.
Nov 29, 2022 Component-wise ROM US patent is issued.
Oct 15, 2022 ccGAN ROM paper is published in Computers and Geosciences
Oct 1, 2022 CWROM stress lattice paper is published in CMAME.
Sep 30, 2022 Youngsoo Choi presented ``Efficient Nonlinear Manifold Reduced Order Models with Shallow Sparse Neural Network" at SIAM MDS22
Sep 28, 2022 Dylan Copeland presented ``Reduced Order Models for Multi-Material ALE Hydrodynamics" at SIAM MDS22
Sep 1, 2022 LaSDI paper is published in CMAME
Sep 27, 2022 Siu Wun Cheung presented ``Accelerating Hydrodyanmics Simulation with Reduced Order Models" at SIAM MDS22
Jul 19, 2022 Conservative Deep Learning Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability Model preprint is available in arXiv.
Apr 26, 2022 gLaSDI preprint is available in arXiv.
Mar 29, 2022 S-OPT preprint is available in arXiv.
Feb 15, 2022 NM-ROM paper is published in JCP.
Feb 1, 2022 Nonintrusive ROM for porous media paper is published in Advances in Water Resources.

News in 2021

Date Message
Dec 20, 2021 cGAN ROM is published at Nature Computational Science
Nov 10, 2021 Laghos ROM is published at CMAME.
Oct 1, 2021 Domain decomposition ROM paper is published at CMAME
Sep 27, 2021 First version of libROM webpage is launched
Aug 1, 2021 Component-wise ROM paper is published at CMAME
July 19, 2021 Space time ROM-Python paper is published in Mathematics
Jan 1, 2021 Space time ROM paper is published in Journal of Computational Physics

News in 2020

Date Message
Dec 15, 2020 local ROM for PDE-constrained optimization paper is published in JCP.
Dec 12, 2020 NM-ROM paper for Machine Learning for Engineering Modeling Simulation and Design Workshop, NeurIPS, 2020, is available
Apr 13, 2020 SNS hyper-reduced ROM paper is published in SISC

News in 2019

Date Message
Oct 17, 2019 libROM open source library becomes available in github repo